Calendar of Events
See the multitude of events happening throughout the school year. If you aren't on ParentSquare yet, you should as you will get reminders on these events and lots of other notices from your kids teachers.
Take part, have fun and don't miss out!
Upcoming PTO Events for 2024-2025 School Year
Oct. 23rd 12:30pm - Apex Fun Run
Oct. 28th - Red Ribbon Week
Nov. 12th 4-9pm - Cool Cats Cafe Spirit Night
Nov 13th 6pm - PTO Meeting in the Cafeteria. Food & childcare provided.
Nov. 1st - See's Candy Fundraiser
Nov. 4th - Book Fair Week at the Library
Nov. 8th 6pm - Family Movie Night (Dinner/Snacks for Sale from PTO)
Dec 11th 6pm - PTO Meeting in the Cafeteria. Food & childcare provided.
Dec. 13th 6pm - Winter Dance & Toy Drive in the Cafeteria
Dec. 14th 9:30am - Grover Beach Holiday Parade Downtown
The above calendar can also be found on Grover Beach Elementary website, here.